Our core campaign service
All you need to start a campaign is available for free. This can be by Crowdfunding (with Rewards) or just by Funding, or both.
You can include videos, images and text and you can publish updates on the campaign page at any time. It's also ready for Social Media sharing.
Plus all the money you collect, it's yours.
You can include videos, images and text and you can publish updates on the campaign page at any time. It's also ready for Social Media sharing.
Plus all the money you collect, it's yours.

what are the key features included
Automatic funds payment
Payment is processed by Paypal and you'll be notified by us and Paypal. Paypal may have a delay of a few days before you get payments, but these will show on your Paypal dashboard.
plus more
any other services?
We are offering other key ways to enhance campaigns. Such as:
- Coming Soon Page
- Newsletter sign-up
- Micro Site.
These are paid services and they are not compulsory to run a campaign.
Extra features include
Coming soon page, Micro site, Newsletter subscription
Coming soon page
A great way to announce your campaign before launch and start collecting emails from supporters. A page like this will spark their interest.
It features:
It features:
- Hero image(s)
- Headlines, Timer and Text
- Subscribe feature
Micro site
The Micro site is a single page website with your campaign inserted in it. This is a media rich way to enhance your communications about your campaign.
In essence your Campaign will be in the main free campaign repository and in the micro site. It's hosted within Viva-Vox.Org, and it has its own inner menu.
Newsletter Signup
This is a great feature to build your very own private email list .
This will massively increase your ability to communicate throughout this and future campaigns.
This will massively increase your ability to communicate throughout this and future campaigns.
- Subscribe feature
- Get supporters to sign up
- We will deliver the list to you
- or we deliver a Newsletter for your list on your behalf
The main take out of this is: the core service to deliver a succefull campaign is free.
If you want to increase your exposure, build an email list, and give more information in a designed one page website, then the paid options below are for you.
All you need to start
Newsletter Signup
Per Month
Micro site
The best way to promote your project
Per 6 Months/ £50 thereafter
coming soon page
Per 2 Months