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Gaz Demo
by Joao Sarmento Tags : Gaz Rockin Blues, Music, Notting Hill Carnival
Funding Goal-
Funds Raised -
Days to go -
Goal and Date
Campaign End Method
It was put together to show what can be done with a micro site with your campaign inserted into it. This is being offered for free.
If you were to choose to get this up and running, this could be done fairly quickly. All the money raised will be yours as supporters will be asked to cover Stripe payment fees. This is noting to do with us, but rather using a safe payment system. Money given to your campaign will go straight to your Stripe account. These are very easy to set up and make the whole process very safe and efficient (it’s a bit like Paypal, but better).
We ask for donations for the site on checkout but these are not compulsory.
The images were used without express permission. They have been used to illustrate what can be done.
The treated images, are ‘treated’ (as in the comic strip ones ) so the issue of permission and copy right, may not even apply anymore.
The Rewards with the Backstage pass are there to show that besides donations, you may think of ‘rewards’ – such as backstage access – to give something very specific in return. It’s an idea.
In any case, there’s the straightforward donation – such as above and below – for your supporters to donate money for the Gaz Rockin Blues Carnival Stage 2022.
Hope you like what you see. I made this out of my own initiative because I thought it would work for both of us. For you, as you’d have a really cool and original one-page site with your campaign in it. Therefore, people are more likely to share it and talk about it. That alone will bring you more supporters. It looks great, it goes with your identity and it’s fun.
Obviously, it will get my platform out there too, which is a good thing.
I also have Micky P interested in using Viva-Vox.org to fundraise for the Portobello Live later in the year, and have contacted others who are likely to benefit from using Viva-Vox.
This campaign is inserted in the Gaz Rockin Blues micro-site. Take a look at it!
backstage pass for Friday

August, 2022
backstage pass for Saturday

August, 2022
backstage pass for Sunday

August, 2022